Chad Gadya
Chad gadya, chad gadya.
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata shunra,
ve’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata chalba,
venashach leshunra
de’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata chutra,
vehikah lechalba,
denashach leshunra
de’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata nura,
vesaraf lechutra,
dehikah lechalba,
denashach leshunra
de’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata maya,
vekavah lenura,
desaraf lechutra,
dehikah lechalba,
denashach leshunra
de’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata tora,
veshatah lemaya,
dekavah lenura,
desaraf lechutra,
dehikah lechalba,
denashach leshunra
de’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata hashochet,
veshachat letora,
deshatah lemaya,
dekavah lenura,
desaraf lechutra,
dehikah lechalba,
denashach leshunra
de’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata mal’ach hamavet,
veshachat leshochet,
deshachat letora,
deshatah lemaya,
dekavah lenura,
desaraf lechutra,
dehikah lechalba,
denashach leshunra
de’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
Va’ata HaKadosh Baruch-Hu,
veshachat lemal’ach hamavet,
deshachat leshochet,
deshachat letora,
deshatah lemaya,
dekavah lenura,
desaraf lechutra,
dehikah lechalba,
denashach leshunra
de’achla legadya
dizabin aba bitrei zuzei,
chad gadya, chad gadya.
One little goat, one little goat.
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came a cat
and ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came a dog
and bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came a stick
and beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came fire
and burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came water
and quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came the ox
and drank the water,
that quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came the slaughterer
and slaughtered the ox,
that drank the water,
that quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came the Angel of Death
and killed the slaughterer,
that slaughtered the ox,
that drank the water,
that quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.
Then came the Holy One, Blessed be He
and slew the the Angel of Death,
that killed the slaughterer,
that slaughtered the ox,
that drank the water,
that quenched the fire,
that burnt the stick,
that beat the dog,
that bit the cat,
that ate the goat,
That Father bought for two zuzim,
one little goat, one little goat.